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Eventos (22)
- September 19, 2023 | 4:30 PM33333 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, CA 92629, USA
- August 16, 2023 | 2:45 PM33333 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, CA 92629, USA
- August 16, 2023 | 1:00 AM
Otras páginas (30)
- Special Eduation Scholarship | DHHS PTSA - 2023
Return to Programs Senior Scholarships - Special Education DANA HILLS HIGH SCHOOL PTSA SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP (Merit & Community Service) DANA HILLS HIGH SCHOOL PTSA SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP - SPECIAL EDUCATION (Merit & Community Service) TERI LYNN O’BRIEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (Financial Need, Merit & Community Service) California State PTSA Scholarships Instructions 1 DUE DATE & SUBMISSION: Scholarship applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM on March 14th. 2 PTSA MEMBERSHIP Applicants must be student members of Dana Hills High School PTSA as of March 14th of the current school year. Click Here to Join Online . If you need to verify your membership, don't hesitate to contact . 3 GPA / TRANSCRIPTS: Login to Aeries ( ), click on GRADES > TRANSCRIPTS. Your Academic GPA is listed as weighted (on the left) and unweighted (on the right). Your Academic GPA is based on your academic classes (not including health or P.E./sports). Report your weighted (accounts for your honors and AP classes) and your unweighted (all classes are worth 4.0 points) GPAs. Right mouse click on the page and select "print", change the destination to "Save As PDF". Save it to your computer. 4 ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT Special Education students may receive some assistance in completing their forms. Complete application including essay, transcript, reference letter and record of activities or student resume with volunteer service activities. If you are not a current member of DHHS PTSA, you must join. You may attach a photocopy of your PTSA membership card in lieu of PTSA membership verification. The application and all attachments should be emailed to on or before March 14th. 5 NOTIFICATION Recipients will be notified at the Senior Awards Ceremony at the end of the school year. The decision of the PTSA Scholarship committee is final. Note: A scholarship award may be revoked in the event the student does not maintain the required overall GPA, if the student is subject to severe disciplinary action such as suspension or expulsion, or if the student fails to enroll in an institution of higher education. 6 QUESTIONS If there are any questions, please contact . Special Ed Scholarship Application Applications Please select or download the application of your choice. Special Ed Scholarship Application Get in Touch
- Senior Scholarships | DHHS PTSA - 2023
Return to Programs Senior Scholarships DANA HILLS HIGH SCHOOL PTSA SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP (Merit & Community Service) DANA HILLS HIGH SCHOOL PTSA SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP - SPECIAL EDUCATION (Merit & Community Service) TERI LYNN O’BRIEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (Financial Need, Merit & Community Service) California State PTSA Scholarships Instructions 1 DUE DATE & SUBMISSION: PTSA and Teri Lynn O’Brien scholarship applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM on March 14th. 2 PTSA MEMBERSHIP Applicants must be student members of Dana Hills High School PTSA as of March 14th of the current school year. Click Here to Join Online . If you need to verify your membership, don't hesitate to contact . 3 GPA / TRANSCRIPTS: Login to Aeries ( ), click on GRADES > TRANSCRIPTS. Your Academic GPA is listed as weighted (on the left) and unweighted (on the right). Your Academic GPA is based on your academic classes (not including health or P.E./sports). Report your weighted (accounts for your honors and AP classes) and your unweighted (all classes are worth 4.0 points) GPAs. Right mouse click on the page and select "print", change the destination to "Save As PDF". Save it to your computer. 4 ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT Special Education students may receive some assistance in completing their forms. Complete application including essay, transcript, reference letter and student resume with volunteer service activities. If you are not a current member of DHHS PTSA, you must join. You may attach a photocopy of your PTSA membership card in lieu of PTSA membership verification. The application and all attachments should be emailed to on or before March 14th. 5 NOTIFICATION Recipients will be notified at the Senior Awards Ceremony at the end of the school year. The decision of the PTSA Scholarship committee is final. Note: A scholarship award may be revoked in the event the student does not maintain the required overall GPA, if the student is subject to severe disciplinary action such as suspension or expulsion, or if the student fails to enroll in an institution of higher education. 6 QUESTIONS If there are any questions, please contact . English Application Spanish Application Applications Please select or download the application of your choice. English Application Spanish Application Get in Touch
- California State PTSA Scholarships | DHHS PTSA - 2023
Return to Programs California State PTSA Scholarship DANA HILLS HIGH SCHOOL PTSA SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP (Merit & Community Service) DANA HILLS HIGH SCHOOL PTSA SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP - SPECIAL EDUCATION (Merit & Community Service) TERI LYNN O’BRIEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (Financial Need, Merit & Community Service) California State PTSA Scholarships Instructions 1 DUE DATE & SUBMISSION: Applications, reference forms/letters, and all supporting documents must be received in the California State PTA office by March 14th of each year. All applicants are notified of their status in March. Scholarship winners receive a letter of congratulations, a recognition certificate from the California State PTA, and a check. For questions and more information, don't hesitate to contact the California State PTA at . 2 CALIFORNIA STATE PTSA - $1,000 VOLUNTEER SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship recognizes graduating seniors for their volunteer service in schools and communities, allowing them to register for courses at accredited colleges, universities, trade or technical schools. Applicants must be PTA members graduating from a California high school between January 1 and June 30 of the current academic year. Click Here for the Application: 3 GPA / TRANSCRIPTSCALIFORNIA STATE PTSA - $500 DR. RALPH E. WHITE GRADUATING SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP Honoring the volunteer and public-service legacy of Dr. Ralph E. White and his wife, Eleanor, this additional scholarship provides $500 each to two successful applicants of the Volunteer Service Scholarship who intend to pursue a career in the medical field. Click Here for the Application: 4 ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT Special Education students may receive some assistance in completing their forms. 5 NOTIFICATION Recipients will be notified at the Senior Awards Ceremony in April 30th. The decision of the PTSA Scholarship committee is final. Note: A scholarship award may be revoked in the event the student does not maintain the required overall GPA, if the student is subject to severe disciplinary action such as suspension or expulsion, or if the student fails to enroll in an institution of higher education. 6 QUESTIONS If there are any questions, please contact . Get in Touch
Entradas del foro (13)
- Let your voice be heard!En News & Updates·March 28, 2023Give the Toll Brothers your thoughts on the Victoria Blvd. Apartments. Project Details : Where: 5.5-acre site at 26126 Victoria Blvd. in Dana Point, CA, owned by the Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) What: New mixed-income apartments that provide new community recreation options and public improvements. When: Our application is currently under review by the City of Dana Point. We’re hoping to receive the necessary approvals by mid-2023. Funding generated from this unique agreement with Capo Unified School District will be used to provide capital improvements to Dana Hills High School that will benefit generations of students for years to come. Help make this project a reality by sharing your support. Comments submitted here may be shared with City officials. Submit your feedback to the Toll Brothers here:
- Final ExamsEn Academic Performance·March 22, 2023This is your forum post. Use this space to connect with your audience in a way that’s current and interesting. Post relevant information that will encourage discussion and collaboration. With full freedom to edit posts, as well as add stunning media, managing your forum has never been easier.001
- Parent-Teacher ConferencesEn Important Dates·March 22, 2023Create discussions of your choice and make them look just right with easy text editing options. When writing longer discussions without images, use our flexible text editing tools to bring your posts to life. Make it easy for people to understand what you have to say by adding bullet points to your text so all your main points are clearly visible. Want to highlight important words in your text? Use bold or Italics to make them stand out. Want to add links? It’s easy just select any text and add a hyperlink.000